Number 811, Angel Number 811, Number 811 meaning, Angel Numbers , wish fulfillment

Soulmates: Why they are needed on Earth?

 Twin Flames cater to a higher purpose, besides love for its counterpart, we all know that. But what purpose do Soulmates have? Is it right to confine their purpose to just love, bonding, and then passing away from one lifetime to another? Never! Soulmates also have a higher purpose. Soulmates come on Earth to experience […]

meditation, dreams, lucid visions, real time visions, Ajna Chakra, Third Eye Chakra,Siddhis, spiritual power, 9 11 12 meaning, balance, developed thought process, communication, love,ॐ (Om), Dharma

More signs of Twin Flames

If you are following the series on Twin Flames then you would know some of them by now. There are many signs of Twin Flames but the most prominent one is that in this journey the two individuals may start receiving flashbacks or déjà vu type of incidents that would propel them to remember a […]