Number 811, Angel Number 811, Number 811 meaning, Angel Numbers , wish fulfillment

Soulmates: Why they are needed on Earth?

 Twin Flames cater to a higher purpose, besides love for its counterpart, we all know that. But what purpose do Soulmates have? Is it right to confine their purpose to just love, bonding, and then passing away from one lifetime to another? Never! Soulmates also have a higher purpose. Soulmates come on Earth to experience […]

कभी सफेद पूंछ वाली गिलहरी देखी है? (वीडियो)

सफेद पूंछ की सुंदर सी गिलहरी? जी हाँ सवाल आपसे है…कभी देखी है आपने? कोरोनावायरस के इन खाली दिनों में प्रकृति की गोद में बैठे बैठे और जीव जंतुओं को देख कर कभी कभी लगता है की जीवन की इस भीड़ भाड़ में हम मनुष्यों ने आख़िर कैसे हमारी सही सम्पदा अर्थात हमारे प्यारे पशु […]

Number 3201 , Number 3201 meaning, Angel Number 3201, Angel numbers, manifestation, health, wealth

Dream journal: Seeing a sunflower in a dream!

Sunflowers in dreams are rather common. The beautiful and abundant yellow of this flower is much like the sun itself. But what does seeing a sunflower in a dream mean? It all depends on the emotions you are feeling lately. Are you feeling deficient in energy? Are you feeling powerless in a certain situation? If […]